Haemon: I see today that my father has encumbered yet another issue
But one of his own doing, my poor father of proud tongue.
To the grave, I shall love him still, but as for his stubbornness
May it be damned! He chooses to ignore the error of his
Ways should his subjects see him weak, but it is his
Obstinacy which shall break the walls of Thebes.
For certainty, I am less fearful of the invader's blade than of
My Father's piercing edicts. But he shall not be persuaded
By equally inflammatory words and I must first appeal to
Him as the humble servant that I am. "I am your son, sir," I
Shall say, and "by your wise decisions my life is ruled, and
Them I shall always obey. I cannot value any marriage-tie
Above your own good guidance" (143). Perhaps my kindly
Approach will be accepted with good favor, and he will be
More inclined to consider the modest council of one who is
Of lesser stature. I recognize that my dearly betrothed has
Sparked his poor temper, so wisdom shall guide my talk of
Her and the blessing of Athena will ease my words should
His stubbornness prevail.
In this day of bloodshed, it is Reason who shall have
Her victory, and should my father not take her side, I
Cannot leave without speaking truthfully and openly. If my
Kind words fail, Reason shall be my blade of choice. First,
I will parry by adding, "Father, there is nothing I can prize
Above your happiness and well-being. What greater good
Could a son desire," but my lunge shall be "surely, to think
Your own the only wisdom, and yours the only word, the
Only will, betrays a shallow spirit, an empty heart" (145).
Truly will my sword pierce his heart of logic or it shall sever
Our bond forever. For between the glory of Olympus and
The fate that lies in Hades, no crueler punishment is that than
To live under the shadow of ignorance. My wife, may the
Fates will her soul to the Isles of the Bless'd should her cord
Be severed from this world forever, she buries her brother
With honour, and I shall renounce her never. Who profits
From my father's pigheadedness and who shall be the
Citizen of his heart? War and betrayal have blinded him to
The needs of the individual, and the laws which govern all
The Heavens have been lost in his quest for glory. Ha! He'd
Be an excellent king on a desert island! (146) Perhaps if no
More can be said, this shall be my only pleasure in what
Might be our last exchange. For I cannot go on living in a
State void of morality and cursed by the gods. Should I find
My betrothed on her deathbed, it shall be mine too, and
We shall wonder through the mysterious fields of eternity
Forever. But one last opportunity will my father have to
Change his ways - I concede nothing else. Reason or Death!